We Clean Air jumped into action after the COVID-19 pandemic began to develop PPE (personal production equipment). However, we took a different approach from most—we developed a system of passive protection, which means that the user does not have to take any action, such as putting on a mask or a shield to protect him or herself.
These new protective air canopies protect people who work closely with the public or their fellow workers, especially for long periods. They eliminate the thirst, fogging eyeglasses and other discomforts of masks and, thereby, the temptation not to wear them. After extensive product development and lots of testing—including by NIOSH (the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, a part of CDC), Air Cleaning Blowers launched its new product, the Safety Halo® Protective air canopy. Combining the design of units developed by NIOSH to protect coal miners from the dusts and the multi-patented Air Cleaning Blower, the Safety Halo® was created.
The Safety Halo® works in a revolutionary way to help keep germs in the air from reaching the faces of your workers, your family and other people around you. They provide protection to people and products in close contact with the public, with ill patients, and with others who could exhale disease-causing germs in their direction. Safety Halos® work by first filtering the air clean with an Air-Cleaning BlowerTM (ACB) which then blows clean air through a high-efficiency particulate-absorbing post filter and then downward to form a cone of protective air blocks or carries away germs exhaled by others away from the faces of people within the cone. The Safety Halo’s® cones of air will also help protect your customers, your other workers and family members by trapping and carrying away germs that the cashier, meat packer or other worker might be exhaling.
- Cleans air better than an N95 mask
- Protects even those who can not or will not protect themselves
- Easy to install
- Minimal maintenance
- No training needed to operate
- Several simple options for installing—hanging from the ceiling, mounting on legs, or installing on a movable stand
- After meeting the primary need, like ordinary room air purifiers, the clean air from Safety Halos® gradually reduces the overall number of germs, including Covid-19 contaminated respiratory droplets and aerosols, and dust, pollen and other particles floating in the air of the room. Unlike room air purifiers, they protect people in large spaces and outdoors
- The Air-Cleaning BlowerTM inside the unit rarely needs maintenance because it has no filter media to clog
Many air purifiers you see are small and often require a lot of maintenance. In addition, they generally clean air by recirculating it many times until it cleans out enough of the dust, allergens, germs and other particles in a confined space, such as a room. That approach can work in a confined space where there is not much turnover of air, but it is not as effective in a store, hospital or factory with many people coming and going, doors opening and closing, and a central heating, ventilation and air-conditioning system constantly pumping in new air. In addition, unlike a Safety Halo® protective air canopy, it can not focus its protection on the person who needs it most.
In contrast, Safety Halos® protect people directly. They clean the air with an Air-Cleaning BlowerTM (ACB), when necessary followed by a high-efficiency particulate-absorbing post filter. Then they—and here’s the key difference—gently blow the clean, slightly-pressurized air to form a protective cone around the person or food or other thing that they are protecting. In other words, rather than just lowering the average number of dust particles and germs floating around the room, the Safety Halos® first blow the air where it will do the most good!
The cone of safety works to guard the workers and others in several ways. First, it surrounds them with downward-moving air. The movement of air in the cone blocks or grabs respiratory droplets and aerosols carrying Covid-19 viruses and other germs, as well as pollen, dust and other particles blown or exhaled toward the cone and pushes them down and away from the cashier, teller or fellow worker’s face. In addition, the airflow expands gradually and helps move the contaminants away from him or her as well. In addition, a special feature of the Safety Halos® further works to protect the person from germs and other airborne debris that manage to penetrate the outer layer of air of the cone.
This same cone provides the added benefit of blowing down much of whatever the person inside the cone exhales so that the person’s germs do not reach his or her customer or neighbors at work or other members of his or her family.
In addition, because the Safety Halos® target their benefits directly to the person or product they’re guarding, they can also work effectively in wide, open spaces such as a big store, a factory floor, an office, a school, a nurses’ station in a hospital, and many more areas—including outdoors, even if it is raining.
On top of all these benefits, Safety Halos® also serve the same function as ordinary air purifiers: by filtering out the contaminants in the air and then blowing the air back into the room, the Safety Halos® reduce average germs in the air of rooms and other confined spaces, but only after they shield the people most at risk.
Safety Halos® install quickly and easily, take up little or no floor space, and allow simple maintenance by unskilled staff. Standard models run on 115-125 volts, but we offer other electrical configurations, if you prefer. Indoors, the Safety Halo® usually hangs from the ceiling on cables and hooks supplied with them. If hanging them from a ceiling is not an option, they also mount solidly to stationary or movable stands, so that they can be used easily outdoors as well. Normally, no drilling, cutting, or welding required!
X Other Air Purifiers
- Lower average level of germs and dust in a room
- Can require a lot of maintenance
- Frequent filter replacement
- Do not focus their protection on vulnerable people or products
- Take up floor space
Safety Halos®
- Direct clean air where it is needed, as well as lowering the average dust and germ load
- Help block germs and dust from employee’s face and his germs from reaching others
- Little maintenance
- Hang so don’t take up floor space
If you have any questions or comments, please let us know. If you have a specific application in mind, please complete our Safety Halo® Project Inquiry Form or our Air Cleaning BlowerTM Project Inquiry Form. We look forward to responding to you as quickly as possible.
- For overview of how Safety Halos® can protect you, your family, your products, and your employees in contact with the public and other sources of airborne germs, click here.
- For how and why Safety Halos® differ from ordinary air purifiers to provide more personal and product protection, click here.
- If you wish to eliminate filter elements and their maintenance in your home, store or other facility, please click here for an overview of Air-Cleaning BlowersTM (ACBs)
- For an overview about We Clean Air click here.