Clean Air from Outside

Inside your home the air can actually be much dirtier than you think.  Everything from cleaning sprays, cooking fumes and even dead skin cells are floating around constantly inside your house that you can’t see.  Putting a fan in the window to move the air around can be effective, but what if you live on a dirt road, it’s during allergy season or maybe it’s raining out?  All that rain and dust and pollen will be pulled into your house and make your situation even worse!

The Air Cleaning BlowerTM is perfect for this application; just stick it in your window like you would a fan.  The Air Cleaning BlowerTM will pull the dirty outside air into its housing and separate dust, pollen, allergens and even rain from the air.  The clean air is then blown into your house for you to breathe, while the rain and other particles that were pulled out of the air are simply spit back outside where they came from (and truthfully belong)!

To help control germs, dusts, dust mites and other particles already in your home without bringing in outside air, We Clean Air makes the Safety Halo®.   In a home there are many people living in close quarters.  That proximity certainly increases the chances of cross contamination, especially if there are rooms shared by two or more sick patients.

To protect those patients as well as the rest of the family, it is important to keep the air as germ-free as possible.  By installing a Safety Halo® above the sick patient’s bed and locating it properly over the patient, it will provide a cone of gently-pressurized flowing air that will block or capture and carry away from the patient germs and other contaminants exhaled or brought in on the clothing of family, medical and other visitors.  It will also help blow away germs that the patient exhales to help reduce reinfection and protect others.  In addition, the Safety Halo® will also help reduce the overall number and concentration of germs in the room and can do the same if another Safety Halo® is installed in family or other rooms.

The Safety Halo® is easy to install without machinery and can be done quickly.  The Safety Halo® works by pulling the dirty germ-filled air into its housing to filter it.  There it has a pre-filter at the point of entry that extracts larger dust particles from the air.  The air then flows through a HEPA filter element to clean out germs and other tiny contaminants.  After the HEPA filter, the air then blows out of the bottom of the Safety Halo® to replace the dirty air in the room.  Having the pre-filter on this unit helps prevent the HEPA filter from clogging quickly and greatly extends its life.  This will significantly cut down replacement and maintenance costs.

If you have any questions or comments, please let us know. If you have a specific application in mind, please complete our Safety Halo® Project Inquiry Form or our Air Cleaning BlowerTM Project Inquiry Form. We look forward to responding to you as quickly as possible.